Sunday, December 9, 2012

Early December

My borther and I only went up to Polin Croft for the weekend but managed to do some wild windy walks along the coast.

Polin Beach reflections
Polin with Winter Colours
Face and big swells

Stormy Polin Beach

Blow Hole off Oldshoremore
Swell coming in to Oldshoremore

Friday, November 30, 2012

Late November

Balnakeil beach

Not sure where this glowing sunset was taken

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Early November

Thank you for the beautiful photos taken during early November
Wild sea at Sandwood Bay

Amazing reflection on Polin Beach

Monday, October 22, 2012

October Break

Had some amazing weather during October. Lots of great day trips.

Ardvreck Castle

Loch Assynt

Playing in the dunes on Oldshoremore

Warm temperatures in October

Rockpool exploring

Rock climbing


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Working Holiday at Polin

Sorted out a large part of the garden and painted the Croft.

We had a great weather during the first week but a bit chilly during the second week. Nothing compared to the rest of the UK which seemed to be getting hit by loads of rain.

Evening drinks from the garden

Picnic in garden
All helping with the Sandtex Painting

Granny did loads of gardening

Some toadstools from Duncan

Granny found a ditch
Moon rising over Arkle (787m)

10pm sun setting with Croft in foreground 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Polin at the end of May

Photos from one of our guest during May/June 

Song thrush in the Garden singing at 10pm

Looking back to Polin from track to Sandwood Bay
Evening sun on Polin
Sandwood Bay

Sunset on Balnakiel Beach - Durness
Crystal waters at Oldshoremore Beach

Polin Beach from Handa Island

Monday, April 30, 2012

Snow at Polin

These photo was taken from Polin Croft early April

Massive storm clouds brewing
Melv watching the snow

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First guests March 2012

 Some beautiful photos of Sandwood Bay taken during late March 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Few Changes

Here are  a few changes made to the Croft over the last few months. Installed a wood burning stove.

Spent most of the weekend chopping wood for the new wood burning stove

The kitchen has also changed a bit. Painted and new wall cupboards
Can't see much of a change in the bedroom but the carpet has been removed and laminate has been put down and the walls repainted

Hope you like the changes


Wednesday, February 29, 2012